World In Motion
The horrors of World War II heralded a global order centred around three central tenets…
Read MoreGood Yield Hunting
Inflation has captivated investors in 2021 as, for the first time in more than a generation, what was previously a conspiracy theory…
Read MorePassive Aggression Incoming
There are certain debates that are somewhat ever-present in the world of finance. Two that will immediately spring to the mind…
Read MoreUS Income Fund
Construction of S&P tracker with 4% yield…
Read MoreThe use of diversifiers in the funds
Defined Returns are brilliant, but the Fortem Progressive Growth Fund is likely to…
Read MoreBack to the Future
Alternative Beta, Risk Premia, Factor Investing are nomenclature that have been gaining in prominence in the financial media for a number of years, and have also been growing…
Read MoreE = mc2
Between February 19th and March 23rd of this year, the MSCI World Index lost over a third of its value. What has followed must rank as the most extraordinary recovery on record, leaving the index up over…
Read MoreBy Changing Nothing, Nothing Changes
Change is a funny thing. Sudden and drastic change can challenge the human psyche’s perception of self-determination and control…
Read MoreDefinitely Maybe Heading for an Inflation Supernova
Inflation is a phenomenon that most finance professionals have not needed to deal with in their career to date…
Read MoreWe all try to add value
The debate around value and growth investing is one that will be very familiar to…
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